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312-451-9112 info@optimal-ep.com
  • Self-awareness is the first critical step, at times this can be the most challenging. You may be good at Trader Joe’s, but what do you do without forethought, without concern of consequences, quickly almost intuitively? Do you know when you are impulsive? Most of us don’t recognize it until it is pointed out to us. Try keeping an impulse file in Evernote, or other notes app on your phone or make a list in a journal. When you realize you acted impulsively, take a note. Ask a friend, spouse or family member you trust to bring it to your attention if they see you do something impulsive. Someone close to you will be much more aware of your actions that you may be.
  • Now recognize what precipitates it. What triggers your impulsive actions? Add that to your notes. Soon you will likely see a pattern. Perhaps impulsive reactions follow comments from a coworker, actions by a spouse or communication breakdowns of your team. When you understand what happens just prior to the impulsive action, you will become aware of the impending reaction. There is a space between the impetus and the reaction. That space is what allows you to think and decide, to step in before the impulsive reaction, outburst or action takes place.
  • Next, develop tools to curtail the impulsivity in that space. Is it as simple as taking a breath, moving your attention to another subject or sidestepping additional triggers? Perhaps it is taking your spouse to Trader Joe’s or the Harley Davidson dealership when you need something, Once you have an advance warning you can begin to take proactive action.