Optimizing your brain is key to achieving the flow
of a great performance.
Data from your body will confirm that “you have this”, building your confidence, focus, and mental toughness at the highest level.
- Test anxiety is a result of worry and fear that triggers the stress response.
- Memory, cognitive functioning and the ability to concentrate disappear.
- Training with biofeedback puts the power back into your hands along with your success.
- Achieve your most outstanding Performance.
- Get into “flow” to be one with your instrument or body.
- Train to flip the brain into “flow” at will with biofeedback.
- What do you need to take your game to a higher level?
- Turning off the busy brain so you don’t overthink it.
- Refining your fine motor movements to heighten your finesse.
- Biofeedback will quiet the brain and body along with sharpening your focus.
“The very definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expect different results. We asked Debbie Vyskocil to come into our organization to change how we tried to handle our behavioral “frequent fliers”. The training we received from Debbie was spot on and easy to implement. We loved her approachability and hands-on learning environment as well as her ability to relate what she does to research. I have personally used her training with much success.”
“Stress – we all have it. What differentiates us is the ability of some to be motivated by their healthy stress while others become victims of it.”
Debbie Vyskocil