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312-451-9112 info@optimal-ep.com

What are you doing for the women and men in your organization to remind them of the critical impact of heart disease on even those of us who are the most healthy? SHOW THEM YOU VALUE THEM DURING AMERICAN HEART MONTH in February.

I am a lifetime vegetarian who has worked out 2x each day every day for 35 years. I never smoked, seldom drank and am referred to as “the healthiest of us all” by colleagues and friends. After open heart surgery last year, I am on a mission to help other high-performing women be among those who survive.

As a recent survivor of open heart surgery, a neuroscience coach for high-performers and keynote speaker my presentation, “High-Performance Through Self-Compassion,” is the perfect complement to Heart Month.

Self-compassion is critical to maintaining high performance in both health and business.

Women don’t have traditional male symptoms of heart disease, and the lack of identifiable patterns lead women to die from cardiac events at a frightening rate. Self-compassion led me to investigate suspicious symptoms, but many women are not as aware and, therefore, not as fortunate.

Did you know that more women die of heart disease than any other cause after the age 20?