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312-451-9112 info@optimal-ep.com

Have you noticed that in the relentless pursuit of high performance, the conversation is dominated by words such as perseverance, determination, and assertiveness? What if the key to unlocking unparalleled performance isn’t just in our successes, but in how we navigate and rise from our failures?

High performers aren’t immune to failure; they’re adept at shaking it off and trying again. Self-compassion becomes the secret sauce that fuels this “try again” mentality. Instead of dwelling on what went wrong, individuals with self-compassion focus on what they can learn and improve upon.

At times it is difficult to wrap our heads around the
paradigm in business.

Applying it to an athlete makes it easy to visualize and where you can find an abundance of research showing that those who are more self-compassionate get up quicker after they fail and get back to the game with more enthusiasm.

That is why in my program for organizations, “HIGH-PERFORMANCE THROUGH SELF-COMPASSION”, stories of athletes are included with those of scientists. Your profession doesn’t matter, it is your willingness to put yourself out there again and again until you succeed.

Start small today and continue reminding yourself that you are human and humans are not perfect. Most times it takes more than one shot.

Give it a one-month trial period, then you can go back to beating yourself up next month if you don’t notice you are taking more chances and racking up more success.