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312-451-9112 info@optimal-ep.com

The day was over and Frank felt like he really had not accomplished anything that was on his agenda for the day. He was so busy, but where had the day gone? Many of us know where Frank is coming from, we have been there.

Perhaps each office should have a few “study rooms” like our college library; absent of artwork and computer screens, just a quiet environment to create or write. A place where no one can interrupt you.

If you can’t get “Performance Pods” approved start small. What takes you from your work most often? If you are like most people, those digital time savers are robbing the time from your day. Try this simple step and see the difference it can make.

Silence your cell phone and turn it face down so you cannot see the visual alerts. For most of us a text or phone call is not a matter of life or death. It is amazing how this little step makes a big difference. Start with 30 minutes without looking and work toward checking it once per hour.

Clients who check and respond every 2 hours suddenly find projects finished and extra time to create new opportunities. It also allows you to give 100% of your attention to each response.