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312-451-9112 info@optimal-ep.com

Optimal Edge Performance coaches brains to a healthy balance, stress to a manageable place and performance to a higher level.

With our individual training we utilize the science behind Biofeedback and Neurofeedback to coach clients into achieving their desired outcomes. You are unique, your training needs to be too.

Biofeedback literally means using machines to “feed back” information of how the body responds to thinking, behavior, and emotions. Using that data you are able to change your thoughts, behavior and emotion to reach your desired outcome.

Biofeedback –

a process that enables clients to learn how to change physiological activity for the purposes of improving health, emotional well-being and performance. Biofeedback uses feedback from your autonomic nervous system as a scoreboard. This information long with coaching allow you to develop skills to self manage your physical and mental performance..

Depending on the goals brainwaves, heart rate variability, skin temperature, and other physical cues are measured. Trainees are coached to change their thoughts, behavior, or emotions to achieve a desired physical state.  This gives clients control of their personal outcome.

Neurofeedback/Brainwave Biofeedback

is based on basic and applied neuroscience. Due to the neuroplasticity of the brain a client learns to rewire their own brain using feedback derived from their EEG. A course of training is decided upon depending on the objectives.

Very sensitive listening sensors are placed on the scalp, EEG signals are interpreted and fed back to the computer screen & trainee. With the assistance of a coach each person learns how to meet the desired objectives most effectively. With repetitive firing the brain learns and rewires itself.

When the desired frequency is fired the computer will respond with a sound thus telling the conscious mind and the brain of the success. It is well established in science that a positive reward for a behavior is followed by an increase in the probability of that behavior recurring.

The goal of neurofeedback is to optimize the electrical activity of the brain to then change the conscious outcomes & take performance to a higher level.