Empathy Strongest of Young Adults
Our propensity for emotional intelligence changes through life, but not necessarily in the way you would assume. Yes, your quality and quantity of...
A Brief Addition to Impact Your Audience
Yesterday I was closing down my studio after a Neuroscience of Performance Anxiety / Rejection Anxiety talk when this sign caught the light and my...
Do They Pay You to Get Angry?
Henry Fogel, 18 year President of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and an exemplary leader in every sense, saw the Orchestra endowment increase from...
Sleep in to Pass on Cardiac Arrest Even More Critical During Time Alone
What are you doing to ensure you and your teams don’t add to the statistic? In addition to being sedentary while working remotely, over the top work...
Honk Gently if You Love Math
Do you catch yourself counting? Counting seconds, repetitions, or ceiling tiles while you are waiting? Research shows counting can have a focused,...
Self-awareness is Key to Staying Alive
What are you doing for the women and men in your organization to remind them of the critical impact of heart disease on even those of us who are the...
Redefined Success: Moving Beyond the Myth of Perfection
Have you noticed that in the relentless pursuit of high performance, the conversation is dominated by words such as perseverance, determination, and...
A Band-aid Isn’t Going to Work When You May Need a Tourniquet
Being proactive about the mental well-being of employees remains a front-and-center issue. Evaluating outcomes for Q1 & Q2 while looking at...
Is Your Busy Brain Messing with Your Memory?
"Inside Out", Pixar's hit put a powerful visual to the workings of our memory storage. When Riley goes to sleep, Joy pushes a large button to load...
3 Tools to Curb Impulsivity
Steven founded a tech startup with two other brilliant, introverted, hard-working, engineers. The first round of angel investors brought them...
3 Keys to Generate Creativity
Amy is in customer service at Company A, a decorative tile manufacturer. Data showed 80% of past business was from repeat customers, last year they...
Walk Your Brain …
..around your building before you start your next big project! Not only does it clear your head from what you were previously concentrating on, but...