A Busy Brain can keep a performer from their ultimate performance.
It is impossible for the brain to be racing with fears of missing notes while also being in the flow of great creativity.
A professional envisions what might go wrong and develops skills to calm their racing thoughts or pounding heart.

Less than Peak Performing brains show up in many forms:
over-analysis, hypersensitivity to suggestions and excessive self-criticism can all interfere with your performance.
Learn the most effective skills to let go of those thoughts and bring a sense of control over what seems uncontrollable. Calming your brain not only greatly impacts your performance but your enjoyment of performing, of the passion that brings you here in the first place.
4 Steps to Empower the Performer:
- Develop the focus to memorize the lyrics, notes or choreography and the skills to recall them without effort.
- Quiet the “busy brain” and be fully confident that you “have got this”!
- Confidence rises in the voice and the breath bringing self-assurance to the muscles of the entire body.
- Train to relax into that confidence, enter “the flow” great performers speak of.