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312-451-9112 info@optimal-ep.com

At times we can think of restorative sleep as a luxury,

instead of a critical component of our health and performance.

Championship athletes know the high value of quality sleep.

Doesn’t your life deserve the same edge?


Learn to perform at your peak by falling asleep quickly, minimize nighttime waking,

fall back to sleep in minutes and wake rejuvenated with energy.


Sleep deprivation leads to trouble making decisions,

solving problems, controlling emotions and coping with change.

Not only can someone become cranky or irritable,

but difficulty sleeping often contributes to anxiety and depression.”

The National Institute of Health
dozing puppy

Do you need more reasons to give yourself quality sleep?

  • Short-term memories are converted to long-term during sleep, therefore sleep increases long-term memories.

  • The immune system rebuilds during sleep.

  • Toxins are cleaned out of the brain while sleeping.

  • The act of sleep makes working/short-term memories easier to access. – University of Exete

  • Neurogenesis, creating new brain cells happens while sleeping.

  • Sleep deprivation disrupts regions of the brain that integrate emotion and cognition, critical to making judgments, decisions and moral reasoning. – Walter Reed Army Institute of Research

  • When sleep is lacking pain can increase, weight is easily gained and digestive issues are common. –University of Chicago

  • Those suffering from 3 symptoms of insomnia have 3 times the risk of developing heart failure. – 54,279 people ages 20-89 followed for more than 11 years – Norwegian University of Science and Technology

  • Sleep deprivation can lead to a higher incidence of mortality. – 1,382,999 people followed up to 25 years – University of Warwick

  • 2 nights of sleep deprivation: 6 or less hours of sleep, produces the same reaction time as someone with a drug alcohol level above the legal limit.


The National Sleep Foundation
recommends adults
sleep 7-9 hours each night

Read Nap for High Performance” or “Get Some Sleep!”

Debbie Vyskocil’s articles in Proceedings a publication of the US Naval Institute.


We have two highly effective options!


In our OakBrook and Chicago Loop offices

Biofeedback training helps an individual learn highly effective skills, unique to them, to improve sleep naturally.

Observing data from your autonomic nervous system allows immediate refinement of those skills ensuring the sleep you require to function at your optimal level.

Clients report sleeping more restfully and being more energized in the morning.

Do you need to spend one more hour staring at the ceiling?


High-Performance Through Restorative Sleep

Our online course to discover easy strategies, all backed by science, that have helped thousands who battle sleep issues to get powerfully restorative sleep.

Learn our quick step-by-step process with 10 actionable modules. Explore all of the most common causes of sleep disturbances.

Create lifelong sleep habits that have you feeling renewed and energized.