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312-451-9112 info@optimal-ep.com

As a special gift to listeners of “The Fire Within”

Enjoy this “4 Square Breathing Exercise” to calm your mind and racing heart at any time during the day.


Take a few deep breaths
As you exhale close your eyes
Now inhale for a count of 4
Hold for a count of 4
Exhale for a count of 4
Wait for a count of 4

Continue to do this until you feel your mind quiet and your body physically relax.
When all the distracting thoughts have settled and your attention is entirely on your counting and breath
move your attention to whatever task at hand that you would like to address.

If you are still trying to figure out how you can fit
the optimal sleep in your day to function at your highest,
read Nap for High Performance an article for the US Naval Institute.